Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Fairtrade 750ml

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  • Regular price £22.50
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A Warm Peppery Taste Oil!

This Organic Olive Oil is produced from rain-fed and hand-picked olives that have been pressed on the day of picking, this award-winning extra virgin oil connects you with farmers whose ancestors have tended their trees by hand for countless generations.

It's naturally organic, ethically sourced, and grown with wisdom. This was the world's first olive oil to be awarded the Fairtrade certification in 2009.

Olive oil is an important constituent of the Mediterranean diet, the most heavily researched diet which is associated with various health benefits such as lower risk of heart disease. 

High in vitamin E, a rich antioxidant protecting cells from free radical damage.

How to Use:

Drizzle on salads.

Great for roasting vegetables with for added flavour.

Snack idea: a tasty dip with bread and and a sprinkle of za'atar (thyme herb mix).